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1573 - 1573
Glasgow Burgh Court 1573

This is a selection of cases which were heard by the burgh court of Glasgow in 1573, showing the variety of business coming before the court. There were three head courts held each year, but the court also sat regularly throughout the year. On this day, the court heard cases involving leprosy,  several assault cases, a debt for malt, a debt for fostering of a child, the wrongful keeping of another's goods, and a servant's fee. The cases are given in the original Scots. Amerchiment of court is a fine imposed by the court.


19 Jan 1573 The Heid Court, eftir Zule


Jonet  Grhame,

Jonet Steward,

Robert ---, fleschor

Quhilkis persounes ar dilatit [convicted] as Lepir, and ordanit to be visei t[inspected] , and gif thai be fund sua, to be secludit of the town to the hospital at the brigend



[Robesoun] The quhilk [which] daye Johne Crawford tailzoure, is decernit the allegatiounes of parteis being hard, to content and paye to Isabel Robesoun xvi s restand, for the fostering of ane barne, wtin xv dayis, wt viii d of expensis.

3 [Steward] The quhilk daye, Cristiane Boyde, spous to John Nevyn is fund in the wrang and amerchiment of court, for the wrangus taking at hir awin hand, by ordor of ane buyrd and ane furm fra Elizt Steward, and is ordanit to redelyuer the samyn to hir incontinent.

4. [Commone procurator] Anent the mater movit be Michael Barde commone procurator agains Mrgt Grhame, relict of unquhile Matho Heriot, for non delyueryng of the hewt Irne chenzeis had in kepyng of the toun, be hir and her said spuse, the said mrgt allegit John Fowlar hir varrand, and desyrit ane terme to call him, quhilk wes grantit and assignit thairto, the V of merche nixt, partibus citatus

[Park] The quhilk daye, anent the mater movit be Cristene Park, relict of umquhile James Hall, agains Williame Andersoun cowpar, for non payement making to the said Cristiane, as relict to the said umquhile James, and her barnis, of the fee promist be the said Williame to the said umquhile James, for his service in ane viage to the bawn [ed – Bann, river in Ireland?] , in the quhilk the said umquhile James inlaikit be deceiss: The baillies, wt the avyiss of the counsel, herand, feand and understandand the richtis, rasones and allegationis of bayth the saidis parteis, togidder wt the said Williames confessioun, decernit and ordanit the said Williame to content and paye to the said Christiane, for hirself and in name and behalf of hir said barnis, the sowme of aucht schillingis money ouklie, be the space of nyn oulkis during the tyme of his service maid in the said viage befoir his deceis, within xv dayis nixtocum, wt twa schillingis od expensis.

[Legat – Mulyng] The quhilk daye Margaret Aldersoun, spous to James Andersone is fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court, for trublance done be hir to Jonet Legat and mgt Mwling, in stryking of thame wt ane staff and her neifs, upone the ferd of mrche instant, and chasing of thame divers tymes, and dwme gevin thrupone.

5 [Graye – Andersone] 23 March. The quhilk daye William Andersone zoungar, maltman, is fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court, for stryking of Marione Graye, and the said marione is lykvyss fund in the wrang, for injuring and blaspheming the said  William be wordis, and dwme gevin thereon.

p.6 [Andersone- Steyne] 2 April 1574 The quhilk daye Marione Jamesone, Jonet Maxuell, marione Maxuell and Jonet Maxuell his dochteris, ar fund in the wrang and amerchiament of court, for trublance done by thame to marione Stene, spous to James Andersone, carter, in stryking of hir, scartyng of hir, and dynging hir to the erd, upone the last day of merche: And the said marione is fund in the wrang, for stryking of Jonet Maxuell, zoungr, and als the said James Andersone is fund in the wrang for stryking of Jonet Maxuell, spouse to George Wilsoun, and sicklike, the said George is fund in the wrang, for invading of the said James, wt ane drawing quhyngr, and dwme gevin thairupon.

[Calderwod-Gibson] The quhilk daye, Jonet Gibson is fund in the wrang, for trublance done be hir to Jonet Calderuod spous to Johne Wilsone, in schutyng of hir violentlie upon the watterisde: Als the said Jonet Calderuod is the wrang, for stryking of the said Jonet Gibsone wt hir handis and feit, on the penult of merche instant, & dwme gevin thrupone.



Burgh Records of the City of Glasgow MDLXXIII-MDLXXXI (Glasgow, 1832), 1-4

Tags: law court leprosy fostering