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Dr Kimm Curran

Institutional affiliation: College of Arts, University of Glasgow
Address: 9&10 University Gardens
United Kingdom (Scotland)
G12 8QQ
Subject: History
Research Interests:

late medieval and early modern studies; gender studies; family and kin-groups; heritage and local studies; frontier studies; social identity and networks; development of communities; religious life and culture

Select Publications:

Female Religious Communities in Medieval Scotland. Dublin: Four Courts, forthcoming

'"Quhat say ye now, my lady priores? How have ye usit your office, can ye ges?" Power and realistions of the Office  of Prioress in Medieval Scotland' in Monasteries and Society in the British Isles in the Later Middle Ages eds J. Burton and K. Stoeber. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2008, 124-41.

'Counting Nuns: Prosopographical Analysis of Late Medieval Scottish Convents', Records of the Scottish Church History Society, 35 (2005), 28-68


Available to supervise? no
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