Search the Women in Scottish History Database

Professor Cynthia Neville

Position: George Munro Professor of History and Political Economy
Institutional affiliation: Dalhousie University
Address: Dept of History, 6135 University Avenue
Nova Scotia
B3H 4P9
Subject: History
Research Interests:

legal, social, cultural, political history of Scotland, 1100--1600

Select Publications:

Land, Law and People in Medieval Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010.

'Finding the Family in the Charters of Medieval Scotland, 1150-1350' in Finding the Family in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland eds. E. Ewan and J. Nugent. Aldershot: AShgate, 2008, 11-21.

'Women, Charters and Landownership in Scotland 1150-1350' Journal of Legal History 26 (2005), 21-45.

'Widows of War: Edward I and the Women of Scotland in the War of Independence in Wife and Widow in Medieval England ed S. Sheridan Walker. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,1993.

Available to supervise? yes
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