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Dr Janay Nugent

Position: Associate Professor of History
Institutional affiliation: University of Lethbridge
Address: History Dept, 4401 University Dr. W
T1K 3M4
Subject: History
Research Interests:

gender, women and family in early modern Scotland; Scottish Reformation; marriage; parenting (mothers and fathers); childhood and youth; servants; kirk and community; early modern power and authority

Select Publications:

Children and Youth in Premodern Scotland eds J. Nugent and E. Ewan (Boydell and Brewer, 2015)

'"None Must Meddle Bewueene Man and Wife": Assessing Family and the Fluidity of Public and Private in Early Modern Scotland', Journal of Family History 35:3 (July 2010), 219-31.

J.Nugent and Megan Clarke, 'A Loaded Plate: Food Symbolism and the Early Modern Scottish Household' in Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 30:1 (May 2010), 43-63

E. Ewan  and J. Nugent eds Finding the Family in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008.

'Introduction: Finding the Family in Historic Scotland' Scottish Tradition 27 (2002), 3-6 special guest issue ed. Janay Nugent

Available to supervise? yes
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